Alberta Lodge No. 3 News & Events
Alberta No. 3 made another $2,000 donation on January 27th, 2025 to the Pincher Creek Women’s Emergency Shelter. The donation included $1,000 from our Lodge, and a matching amount from the Masonic Foundation of Alberta.
L-R: Bro. Sandy Lyons, Treasurer - Masonic Foundation of Alberta, W. Bro. Don Mazurick, W. Master of Alberta No. 3, Pincher Creek Women’s Emergency Shelter Executive Director Lori Vanee, RW Bro. Chris Whittle, District Deputy Grand Master for the Chinook Arch District, W. Bro. Ken Hann, Secretary-Treasurer of Alberta No. 3.
Alberta Lodge No. 3 proudly donated $4,000 to the Lethbridge and area Salvation Army on January 15, 2025. This contribution included $2,000 from our Lodge, generously matched by the Masonic Foundation of Alberta. We take great pride in supporting this important cause annually for the past 10 years.
Alberta Lodge No. 3 proudly welcomes the our newest Members.
L-R: Bro. Kristien Arsenault, Bro. Roman Penson, and Bro. Jason Wysyniski.
Installation of Officers for 2025
Back Row: RW Bro. Howie Morrow - IPM, W. Bro. Brian Reach - DOC, W. Bro. David Sweetnam - Tyler, W. Bro. Grant Hoffman - IG, W. Bro. Ken Hann - Secretary-Treasurer
Front Row: VW Bro. John Pietras - JGS, RW Bro. Chris Whittle - DDGM, RW Bro. Gordon Pitt - JW, W. Bro. Don Mazurick - WM, W. Bro. Paul Thompson - SW, and Bro. Brian Harris - JD.\
W. Bro. Brian Reach presenting Lalaine Mendoza with the Alberta Lodge No. 3’s 2024 Educational Bursary Certificate.
Visitors at Alberta Lodge No. 3’s Open House during Fort Macleod's 150th Anniversary Celebration - July 2024.
Annual Open Air Lodge Meeting held in the Courtyard of the NWMP Fort Museum
Wednesday, June 19th, 2024
Alberta Lodge No. 3 made a $2,000 donation March 5th, 2024 to the Pincher Creek Women’s Emergency Shelter. The donation included $1,000 from the Fort Macleod Masons, and a matching amount from the Masonic Foundation of Alberta. The donation was part of a fund-rising drive initiated by Fort Macleod Library on behalf of the Women’s Emergency Shelter.
From left: RW Bro. Tobias Terrill, District Deputy Grand Master for the Chinook Arch District, W. Bro. Don Mazurick, W. Master of Alberta Lodge No. 3, Pincher Creek Women’s Emergency Shelter Executive Director Lori Vanee, Fort Macleod Library Head Librarian Darlene Hofer, W. Bro. Ken Hann, Secretary-Treasurer of Alberta Lodge No. 3, and W. Bro. Brian Reach, Past Master of Alberta Lodge No. 3.
Photo courtesy of F. McTighe, The Macleod Gazette
At the January 24th, 2024 Meeting, W. Bro. Ken Hann was presented a Secretary-Treasurer's Breast Jewel in appreciation for his stellar work and devotion as our Lodge's Secretary-Treasurer.
Left to Right: RW Bro. Howie Morrow - W. Master, W. Bro. Ken Hann - Secretary-Treasurer, RW Bro. Tobias Terrill - DDGM Chinookarch District
Installation of Officers for 2024
Back Row: VW Bro. Don Vincent - Chaplain, W. Bro. Brian Reach - Dir. of Ceremonies, W. Bro. Blair Foster - Sr. Deacon, W. Bro. Ken Hann - Secretary-Treasurer
Front Row: Bro. Mike Plant - Jr. Deacon, W. Bro. Paul Thompson - Sr. Warden, W. Bro. Don Mazurick - W. Master, RW Bro. Howie Morrow - Imm. Past Master, RW Bro. Gordon Pitt - Jr. Warden
On January 16th, 2024, a cheque for $4,000.00 was presented to the Lethbridge and area Salvation Army by Alberta Lodge No. 3, with the support and cooperation of the Masonic Foundation of Alberta. The funds were donated as they have been for the past 9 years.
Back Row: W. Bro. Brian Reach, W. Bro. Ken Hann, Bro. Don Mazurick
Middle Row: Bro. Sandy Lyons, Treasurer, Alberta Masonic Foundation and RW Bro. Tobias Terrill, DDGM of the Chinookarch District
Front Row: Christopher Saprikin, Community & Family Services Worker and RW Bro. Howie Morrow.
Annual Open Air Lodge Meeting held in the Courtyard of the NWMP Fort Museum
Wednesday, June 21st, 2023
Supporting our local community. On June 21st, 2023, we presented a cheque for $500.00 to the Fort Museum of the North West Mounted Police and First Nations Interpretive Centre.
Alberta Lodge No. 3 Annual Bursary was accepted by Lance Felican of Fort Macleod. Lance is attending the Lethbridge College Nursing Program.
Our second Bursary was accepted by Anika Medema of Fort Macleod. Anika is attending Olds College studying Agriculture Administration. Making the presentation was W. Bro. Brian Reach. Presentation took place at the F.P. Walshe High School Graduation Ceremony on June 10th, 2023.
Alberta Lodge No. 3 is proud to be able to continue sponsoring an Annual Educational Bursary in Fort MacLeod.
It is with great sadness we announce the passing of W. Bro. Alan Parnham.
W. Bro. Alan Parnham passed to the Grand Lodge Above on March 28th, 2023.
He will be sadly missed by our Lodge, as well as, his family and friends. S.M.I.B.
On January 18th, 2023, a cheque for $4,000.00 was presented to The Salvation Army by Alberta Lodge No. 3, and the Masonic Foundation of Alberta. The funds were provided even though Alberta Lodge No. 3 was unable to host the Annual Community Christmas Dinner in 2022, as they have done for the previous 8 years.
Back Row: Bro. Don Mazurick, RW Bro. Dave Gregory. Middle Row: W. Bro. Brian Reach, W. Bro. Ken Hann
Front Row: Lynn Hornberger, Community & Family Services Worker, Major Don Bladen of The Salvation Army Community Church of Lethbridge, RW Bro. Howie Morrow, Bro. Sandy Lyons, Treasurer, Alberta Masonic Foundation.
It is with great sadness we announce the passing of W. Bro. Henry Hagen.
W. Bro. Hagen passed to the Grand Lodge Above on September 1st, 2022.
He will be sadly missed by our Lodge, as well as, his family and friends. S.M.I.B.
Alberta Lodge No. 3 Annual Bursary was accepted by Kristan Doyle of Fort Macleod. Kristan is attending the U. of Lethbridge studying Education.
Making the presentation was (L) W. Bro. Ken Hann, and (R) RW Bro. Dave Gregory. Presentation took place at the Lodge Hall on August 8th, 2022.
Alberta Lodge No. 3 is proud to be able to continue sponsoring an Educational Bursary regardless of the Covid-19 situation in our area of Alberta.
Photo by W. Bro. Brian Reach
On Wednesday, June 15th, 2022, Alberta Lodge No. 3 proudly presented
RW Bro. Harvey Dersch with his 50 Year Jewel.
RW Bro. Dersch joined the Craft on May 17th, 1972. On hand to do the presentation was (L) W. Bro. Brian Reach & (R) RW Bro. Bob Marsh.
Annual Open Air Lodge Meeting held in the Courtyard of the NWMP Fort Museum
Wednesday, June 15th, 2022
A cheque for $4,000.00 was presented to The Salvation Army by Alberta Lodge No. 3, and the Masonic Foundation of Alberta. The funds were provided even though Alberta No. 3 was unable to host the Annual Community Christmas Dinner in 2021, as they have done for the previous 7 years.
L to R: Lynn Hornberger, Community & Family Services Worker, Major Don Bladen of The Salvation Army Community Church of Lethbridge, W. Bro. Ken Hann, RW Bro. Jerry Waldern and W. Bro. Brian Reach. .
Alberta Lodge No. 3 Annual Bursary was accepted by Mr. Nicholas Housenga of Fort Macleod. Nicholas will be attending the U. of Lethbridge this Fall. On hand to make the presentation was RW Bro. Dave Gregory, W. Bro. Brian Reach and W. Bro. Ken Hann. Presentation took place at the Lodge Hall on August 21st, 2021.
Alberta Lodge No. 3 is proud to be able to continue sponsoring an Educational Bursary regardless of the Covid-19 situation in our area of Alberta.
On January 6th, 2021, a cheque for $4,000.00 was presented to The Salvation Army by Alberta Lodge No. 3, and the Masonic Foundation of Alberta. The funds were provided even though Alberta No. 3 was unable to host the Annual Community Christmas Dinner, as they have done for the previous 6 years.
Front: Lynn Hornberger, Community & Family Services Worker, Major Don Bladen of The Salvation Army Community Church of Lethbridge, W. Bro. Ken Hann, and RW Bro. Dave Gregory.
Back: W. Bro. Holger Bjerrisgaard, W. Bro. Brian Reach, RW. Bro. Mason Dodds and RW Bro. Howie Morrow.
It is with a great deal of sadness we advise one of our Members, VW Bro. Dan W. T. Barr has passed to the Grand Lodge Above. Bro. Dan passed away at St. Michael's Health Unit on April 27th after a courageous battle with cancer. He will be sadly missed both by the Members of our Lodge as well as his family and friends. S.M.I.B.
Cheque for $7,774.35 was presented to The Salvation Army by Alberta No. 3 and The Masonic Foundation of Alberta after another successful Community Christmas Dinner in Fort Macleod on December 14th, 2019. This was in addition to the numerous toys and non-perishable food items also donated at the door during this event.
Front: W. Bro. Brian Reach, Major Don Bladen of The Salvation Army Community Church of Lethbridge, W. Bro. Henry Hagen, Lynn Hornsberger of The Salvation Army Community Church of Lethbridge, and RW Bro. Dave Gregory.
Back: RW Bro. Howie Morrow and W. Bro. Ken Hann .
Alberta Lodge No. 3 wishes to thank all of the volunteers, sponsors, and community members who made donations to this worthwhile event. Approximately 400+ free turkey dinners were served. The event was full of fun, enjoyment and many satisfied appetites.
New outdoor sign is installed on our Lodge Hall - January 2020.
We're proud to announce the December 14th, 2019 Fort Macleod Community Christmas Dinner was a great success. Thank you to all the Volunteers who assisted our Lodge Team in getting the meals out, desserts served, and creating a very festive event.
W. Bro. Henry Hagen presents Alberta No. 3’s 2019 Bursary to Andie Jo Curran at our June meeting hosted at the NWMP Museum. Pictured are L to R: RW Bro. Dave Gregory, Andie Jo Curran, W. Bro. Henry Hagen, and W. Bro. Ken Hann. Andie Jo is in her 3rd year of Nursing at Lethbridge College.
Cheque for $7,449.19 was presented to The Salvation Army by Alberta No. 3 after another successful Community Christmas Dinner in Fort Macleod on December 8th, 2018.
Front: Lynn Hornsberger and Major Don Bladen of The Salvation Army Community Church of Lethbridge. W. Bro. Brian Reach, W. Bro. Ken Hann and W. Bro. Henry Hagen of Alberta Lodge No. 3.
Back: RW Bro. Dave Gregory and RW Bro. Howie Morrow of Alberta Lodge No. 3.
Alberta Lodge No. 3 wishes to thank all of the volunteers, sponsors, and community members who made donations to this terrific event. Again, approximately 500 free turkey dinners were served that day and the event was full of fun, enjoyment and satisfied appetites.
An extra special thank you to Lynn and Lorne Hornsberger, Brian Dalshaug, Vanessa and Barry Livingstone.
Jayden Castelli of the Fort Macleod Salvation Army Community Church accepts cheques totalling $3,964.92 as presented by RW Bro. Tom Hovan; District Deputy Grand Master of Chinookarch District; and VW Bro. Dan Barr, Master of Alberta Lodge No.3 .
The amount represents the combined total of net funds raised by Alberta Lodge from the Fort MacLeod Family Community Christmas Dinner held on Saturday, December 2nd, 2017.
The total includes matching funds provided by the Masonic Foundation of Alberta in recognition of the charitable efforts to support the youth and families of Fort Macleod and surrounding area.
Front Row left to right: W. Bro. Brian Reach; DDGM RW Bro. Tom Hovan; VW Bro. Dan Barr; Jayden Castelli; Jack Cullen
Back Row: W. Bro. David Airth; RW Bro. Howie Morrow; W. Bro. Allan Parnham; W. Bro. Michael Dawson; RW Bro. David Gregory; S.W. Henry Hagen; W. Bro. Ken Hann.
Photo by RW Bro. David Rodger